Monday, September 30, 2019

A Moral Evaluation of Child Labor in the Philippines in the Perspective of Immanuel Kant Essay

Introduction Children are the prime movers of the country. They are very much endowed with so much potentialities in which may contribute for the betterment of the many. They are indeed really important in everybody’s life not only of their own family but also of their fellow human persons. Every person including the child must be respected and valued in virtue of his/her being a human person. Thus, children must and necessarily be treasured by valuing their own dignity as human persons capable of rationalizing for the betterment of the future. However, in the Philippines; most of the children in the past and even until now are being exploited in many different ways. Every child in this country is somehow is in the state of danger because the child may be abused at anytime, anywhere, and of anyone. Evidently, Philippines is a young country by which most of the people are composed of youth and/or children. By this, Philippines is very vulnerable to any forms of child exploitation. Similarly, one of the most evident forms of child exploitation in the Philippines is the child labor. Child labor is prevalent in the Philippine society. It should be noted that children are abused by forcing them to bare labor at their very young age. They are supposed to be in the classroom to learn and become educated but because of child labor they could be seen in many places working to earn a living. Because of child labor, it is evidently that children at their very young age are dehumanized. Their own inherent dignity has been taken away from them and thus makes children as objects of exploitation. Moreover, the researcher has decided to conduct a study on this matter to find out the reality of this phenomenon. The researcher wants to assess the morality of child labor in the Philippines and to see its moral implications to other moral agents. Through the aid of Immanuel Kant’s ethical concept, the researcher may find philosophical and moral basis of child labor. The philosophy of Kant particularly his Categorical Imperative and it second formulation- Formula of end itself- will be applied in the subject matter. Library research, internet surfing, journals, and other sources related to the study will be used to achieve the main objectives. By this, the study is reliable and substantial in nature. The substantiality of the study focuses on the child labor in the Philippines. Body The Categorical Imperative Immanuel Kant’s categorical imperative clearly states that â€Å"act only on that maxim through which you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law† (Kant, 1964, p. 88). By this very definition of categorical imperative, Kant contends that morality involves universality and necessity. That is, morality should be applicable to all, and the action must and necessarily be done. Kant distinguishes between two imperatives- categorical and hypothetical. The latter for Kant cannot be the standard of morality since it only applies to some and thus cannot be universalized. It comes to man’s selfish inclination since it is only a â€Å"necessary as a means to the attainment of something else that one wills† (Kant, 1964, p.82) and therefore this cannot be accepted. On the one hand, categorical imperative derive from rational inclination where in reason is that which makes the categorical imperative universal. For Kant, categorical imperative is based on human reason because it must be â€Å"entirely a priori, since here we do not enjoy the advantage of having its reality given in experience and so if being obliged merely to explain, and not to establish, its possibility† (Kant, 1964, p. 87). This, however, does not mean that Kant totally rejected the consequence of any action to determine whether the action is morally right or wrong but he only emphasize the rational faculty of man to act morally which is universal and necessary. Kant further expound his moral philosophy by presenting the four formulations derive from categorical imperative but only the second formulation shall be discussed in the succeeding section because it is the focal point which is needed in the study, formula of end itself. Formula of End Itself. This second formula of Kant stresses the value of human person. It states that â€Å"act in such a way that you will always treat humanity whether in your own person or in the person of any other never simply as a means, but always at the same time as an end† (Kant, 1964, p. 96). In this formula, Kant argues that any person should not be used as a mere tool or instrument for the attainment of something else. Every human person then has inherent value regardless of his/her culture, physical stature, nationality, and the like. Thus, every human person has dignity. He added, human person should not be used as a mean because of the person’s rationality. It is his/her rational faculty that which makes man a man and thus should be respected and developed further. Human person is always treated as end because his/her â€Å"rational nature exists as an end in itself† (Kant, 1964, p. 96). Kant explains his contention about man’s inherent dignity by distinguishing inherent value from instrumental value. The latter primarily are the things which do not have innate value such as money, food, and any material beings. Things such as those are really intended to the service for the human person. They are just the means and not the ends of themselves. â€Å"Beings whose existence depend, not on our will, but on nature, have nonetheless, if they are non-rational beings only a relative value as means and consequently called things† (Kant, 1964, p. 86) as Kant says. Thus, it cannot be that the things around us will be regarded as an end for they could only have value when they are being used but after they are being used, then their value is lost. So to say, things only have temporal value. In contrary, human persons are â€Å"persons because their nature already marks them out as an ends in themselves- that is, as something which ought not to be used merely as means- and consequently imposes to that extent a limit on all arbitrary treatment of them (and is an object of reverence)† (Kant, 1964, p. 96). Here, Kant firmly justifies his contention on human value by reiterating the nature of man, rationality, as the prime factor by which every man should be considered as the finality of all actions. Man, in virtue of his/her reason, is the end and not as a mean which leads to his/her dignity. Kant emphasizes more this second formulation by saying: Persons, therefore, are not merely subjective ends whose existence as an object of our actions has a value for us: they are objective ends- that is, things whose existence is in itself an end, and indeed an end such that in its place we can put no other end to which they should serve simply as means; for unless this is so, nothing at all of absolute value would be found anywhere. But if all value were conditioned- that is contingent- then no supreme principle could be found for reason at all. (Kant, 1964, p. 96). Nevertheless, Kant presented in the second formulation of categorical imperative, formula of end itself, the value of man (man’s dignity) which is justified by man’s nature that is capable of reasoning. Thus, through and through, man regardless of anything has the absolute value of being as man higher than any other worldly beings. Child Labor The innocence of the child simply makes the child as a child. No other beings could have an equal innocence of the child except the child itself. Child’s innocence is very unique characteristic. It is self evident to every child that he/she possesses such quality. Since the child is born, innocence has already been inherited by the child. Innocence is not given to a child but it is already in every child without the influence from the outside. This innocence is equal among other children regardless of child’s parental background, physical appearance, or culture. This equality is evidently true for the fact that every child is born naked, dependent, and innocent. Thus, every child, indeed, is innocent. In the same way, this child’s innocence is not static which stagnates on that particular stage but child also develop towards maturity. Every child has innate potentials and capacities to become adult. The child does not remain as a child forever but he/she is always going towards adulthood. However, most of the children especially in developing countries are being exploited and abused. Children at very young age have already engaged to dangerous and oppressive labor. In the Philippines, it is prevalent that most of the children are working to earn money. Children in such case could be seen in the streets, factories, or agricultural heavy activities. Definitely, children of those cases have bet their lives into death. Summing up these kinds of oppression of children, it water down to child labor. Child labor is a perennial societal problem not only of the other countries but also of this country- Philippines. Basically, children are expected to enjoy their childhood and should be in the school so as to develop their selves and discover their identity and skills. Childhood is a complex stage of personhood where the child is starting to grow up with dependency to other persons especially of the children’s parents. Children should be protected and nurtured because most of the children are exploited in many ways. This exploitation has become real because of child labor. Child labor is so rampant in the Philippines. Child labor prevents the natural and proper development of children. Thus, child labor has become a threat to every child’ innocence. The Child Child, according to the law, is defined as person below eighteen (18) years of age. Anyone who haven’t yet attain the age of eighteen may considered as a child or youth. Nevertheless, that person below eighteen years has no civil obligation in the state. But when a person has attained the age of eighteen, â€Å"he/she is no longer considered a child and becomes automatically entitled to do all acts of civil life†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Diokno, 1998). By this, a person then has the duty to follow the civil law and become responsible for any misconduct. Moreover, the child has been defined in a broader sense in conformity to R. A. 7610 (Child Protection Law) which states that, â€Å"persons who below eighteen (18) years of age or those over but are unable to fully take care of themselves or protect themselves from abuse, neglect, cruelty, exploitation, or discrimination because of physical or mental disability or condition† (Diokno, 1998). It should be noted that the term child in this Child Protection Law is in wider perspective because child refers not only to physical aspect of a person which could be seen empirically but it includes the inner dimension of the person. The law states that a child is primarily be classified as incapable or less capable to protect itself because of disabilities from any harmful influence or oppression. Thus, it does not only imply that person over eighteen years of age may consider as adult or not anymore a child. This law is trying to emphasize the innocence and dependency of a person to persons outside itself. In addition, every child is endowed with rights of the society. Child at his/her young age must enjoy his/her childhood by giving to the utmost his/her needs as a child. The child must be provided with his/her basic needs such as food, shelter, clothes, care, and education. Because the child is really dependent on others, it is imperative to care, protect, feed, and educate such child. These are important in the child’s development towards maturity. Thus, â€Å"parents [should] go into all sorts of sacrifice to provide the highest educational opportunities for their children† (Andres & Ilada-Andres, 2005, p. 34). Child Work vs. Child Labor To understand the oppression happening in most of the children in the Philippines, it is better to distinguish and clarify these terms- child work and child labor. Child labor, as defined by the ILO-IPEC, is work situations where children are compelled to work on regular basis to earn a living for themselves and their families, and as a result are disadvantaged educationally and socially; where children work in conditions that are exploitative and damaging to their health and to their physical and mental development; where children are separated from their families, often deprived of educational and training opportunities; where children are forced to lead prematurely adult lives. (Diokno, 1998). This definition implies then that any work which could harm and will destroy the development of a child, either physically or mentally or both, including his/her social and emotional aspects is regarded as child labor. In addition, work that which could hinder the child’s education and his/her better future. Child labor is really an illness of the society which annihilates the child familial growth and that which really â€Å"deprives children of their childhood, their potential and their dignity†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (About Child Labor, 2002). Child labor, nevertheless, is a form of injustice in the society which needs to be responded by the authority and most especially â€Å"for those willing to stake their time and efforts to save the country’s children† (Diokno, 1998). Child work, on the one hand, is very much different to child labor. Although, both of them have similarity because they are both engaging with work, child work deals with any activities which do not hinder the well-development of a child. Work that does not maltreat and exploit the child is classified as just. Generally, if the work does not affect the development of a child’s body and holistic dimensions, and also his/her education then that work could help the child and contributes positively (About child labor, 2002). Why Child Labor? There are certain reasons on why child labor is continually happening in the Philippines. Child labor does not emerge out of the blue but it has come into reality brought by various problems. Thus, child labor is not the only problem in the Philippines but it becomes the result of combining societal problems. Basically, there are four prime reasons which cause this problem according to Jose W. Diokno (1998) and these are poverty, tradition and culture, educational opportunity, and economy. The Philippines is one of the poorest countries in the world. Poverty has been regarded as the root-cause of many social problems in the country including child labor. Because of poverty, a big number of Filipino families are living in slums areas with limited food. Their hunger, which is needed to be satisfied, is pushing the families to work in any ways including their children. Thus, children cannot refuse to do so but â€Å"to satisfy basic requirements† (Diokno, 1998). Although parents should work and earn a living for their children, their money is insufficient to sustain their needs and thus the parents has to decide that their children â€Å"must work to help in their family’s struggle for survival† (Diokno, 1998) otherwise, the whole family will suffer from hunger. In Filipino cultural context, children are expected to work at their young age because it has been practiced by the people in the past. It has been a â€Å"centuries-old tradition that the child must work through solidarity with the family† (Diokno, 1998) as a sign of respect and obedience to the Filipino culture. Filipinos have the kind of mentality that a child must work â€Å"to compensate†¦ the economic burden that he/she represents and to share in the maintenance of his/her family† (Diokno, 1998). So to say, children have become the burden in the family. Moreover, every child at his/her young age has the responsibility to take share with the family’s needs especially of its financial matters. Thus, Filipino culture has regarded the children’s work â€Å"as a phase of socialization where future roles are learned and working to share in the family is seen as training† (Diokno, 1998). Lack of educational opportunity is one of the reasons of child labor it deprives children to learn and develop their skills as persons. Parents usually prefer not to send their children in school because of family’s home far distance to the school, opportunity to earn more money through children’s labor, or to the expensive cost of schooling. Nevertheless, family could not take this kind of education system because â€Å"poor schooling has little credibility†¦ since it does not promote economic improvement† (Diokno, 1998) in the family. Education is important yet the kind of education in the Philippines most of the time does not give learning quality to them and thus cannot contribute to be competitive individuals. Finally, the economy of the country has influenced child labor. The fact that the country is mostly composed of young people, the economy demands young workers. The economic sectors look for more profit and thus they employed children to work so as to pay minimally. Employers prefer to hire children because â€Å"they represent docile work face, which could be hired and replaced at a fraction of adult wages† (Diokno, 1998) that which is an advantage for the employer. Children could easily be exploited because they cannot refuse the opportunity to help their family through labor. The economy does not only give good opportunities for progress but it also deteriorates the potentials and personhood of every child engages in â€Å"hazardous work† (About Child Labor, 2002). Exploitation of Children Nevertheless, child labor is a perennial issue in the Philippines which slowly destroy the humanness of every child. This ethical issue is continually growing as the local government and international organizations are trying to eliminate this problem. The United Nations (2008, p. 241) has recognized the value of children in particular as it issued the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which states that all human beings are born equal in dignity and rights. By this, it recognizes the inherent value of human persons including the children. Despite the attempts of the public and private organizations to terminate this societal problem, child labor is still do exist at the present. Some of these forms of child labor in the Philippines have been identified by the International Labor Organization (ILO). It has been reported that children are abused in agricultural works such as the â€Å"sakada,† domestic work where children are victims of child trafficking and physically, verbally, and/or sexual abuse. Manufacture where children work as adult employees with heavy labor, scavenger and street children because of extreme poverty, mining and quarrying where children work dangerously as they unravel minerals inside the mountains. Unconditional worst forms where children are very much exploited by recruiting them as to become child soldiers training them to fight in the battle field and young girls are said to be sex slaves which contribute to prostitution minors (What kind of work children do? , 2012). Analysis Human person in virtue of hi/her reason has innate dignity. This is a basic truth which man holds as he/she exists in the world. To live in the world without dignity is futile. Man cannot live having without value to himself/herself and to others. His/her dignity gives man the right to be respected and protected. Man is quite different to other beings such as the material objects, plants, and animals precisely because man has a rational nature. Without it, man is perhaps the valueless being. So, man in nature is a dignified being. Because the term man is used in this in general sense, it encompasses any human person including the children. Children are also human persons and thus they have rational faculty which in return causes their dignity. Every child, therefore, has inherent dignity. Child is, nonetheless, a mature rational individual but it does not compel the dignity of the child because the child even in that stage of childhood has the mind which continually develops as the child is going toward maturity. Reasoning of a child may differ to one another but it remains the dignity to the child because of the child’s innate capacity of reasoning and rationalizing. Thus, child is always endowed with reason which makes the child a dignified person. The dignity of a child must be respected, protected, and preserved. However, child labor makes the child undignified being. It is said that labor is different from work although both of them have similarity because the former pertains to involvement in economy while the latter is a general notion of any human activities. Human labor in a sense is not bad in itself because â€Å"through labor, man realizes and humanizes himself; †¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Timbreza, 2008, p. 94). By this, labor also makes man a man because it distinguishes man to other beings. Although reason primarily causes the distinction of man to other beings, labor has also become a factor which causes man to realize his/her humanness. Thus, labor does not only give negative implication but also good realization. However, child labor, although labor in form, is not the same with the true meaning of the word labor. In this context, child labor does not humanize children but it certainly dehumanizes every child. Child labor exploits and abuses the child in terms of heavy work which greatly affects the child’s natural development. Child labor is a form of oppression and it does not give any value to the child. Thus, child’s dignity has been taken away because of child labor. In Kant’s perspective, child’s dignity is justified through his second formulation of categorical imperative- formula of end itself. His contention is that any human person in virtue of his rationality must be regarded as the end of all actions. Man should not be used as a mean to acquire something else. All action should be done by considering man as an end. Similarly, every child, regardless of anything except of his/her reason, must be regarded as an end in itself. Reason will tell us that child’s dignity is important. It is morally right, universal, and necessary that the child’s dignity must be promoted. And any inhuman activity which destroys the dignity of the child must be eradicated especially child labor. Child labor, nevertheless, promotes oppressions and exploitations in which make the child a valueless human being. Such reasons of child labor like poverty, culture, educational opportunity, and demand of economy are nonetheless insufficient and unjustifiable reasons for the dignity of every child does not depend on these. Poverty is a perennial societal problem in the Philippines and this issue is not new to everybody. By extreme poverty, the family members, including the child, are push to bare labor even though it is not yet proper to the child to do so. A child engaging in hard labor is not yet proper because the child is supposed to be in the home or in the school so as to develop himself/herself and eventually realizes his/her meaningful existence. It cannot be that the child labor is morally right because of poverty which gives way to a child earning money for the family. Child here is not the end of labor precisely because labor is intended to get away from poverty but not for the sake of child’s benefit. It uses the child to overcome poverty rather than dignifying the child without poverty. In the midst of poverty, a child must be dignified as a human person. The parents should sustain the needs of the family and the community should protect the dignity of every child. Culture and tradition, on the one hand, must not dehumanize the child. Every child must not be enslaved by the culture. Culture also involves a matter of choice and thus anything which destroys the dignity of a child must be avoided and stopped. People are the makers of certain culture, and then people also have the capacity to change culture through man’s rationality. Human person’s rational faculty could obliterate such acquired and practiced culture and tradition. Nevertheless, culture in a way makes use of the child as a mean in order to continue such culture and not for the dignity of the child. This cannot be morally right that the child’s dignity be destroyed because of culture. It is irrational to follow certain culture which dehumanizes a child. Lack of educational opportunities and the demand of the economy, in the same way, make the child undignified human person in a way that they affect the natural development of a child. Lack of educational opportunities compels the right of the child to learn and to know his/her identity and demand of economy, in the same way, exploits the innocence of every child. They are both factors which give nevertheless worthless value to every child. In the end, children’s dignity has been destroyed because of child labor. Child labor does not respect, protect, and nurture the humanness of every child. Children in a sense have become mere objects to attain certain goal. They became instruments to alleviate poverty, maintain culture and tradition, victims of poor educational system, and exploited by economic interest. Child labor treated every child in a subjective end by which inclined by selfish interest. Objective end then must be realized and should be done so as to give dignity to every child. Summary and Conclusion The subject matter of this research study is about the morality of child labor. Through the second formulation of categorical imperative by Immanuel Kant, child labor has been assessed. The definition and meaning of the term â€Å"child† also has been presented that which aging below eighteen (18) years and above yet holistically incapable to protect and dependent to other people because of mental or physical disabilities. The distinction between child labor and child work has been discussed also. After which, child labor then has been evaluated that which hinders the natural development of a child. The reasons of child labor have been discussed in this study such as poverty, culture and tradition, lack of educational opportunity, and the demand of economy. Kant’s ethical ideas have been presented and discussed particularly the categorical imperative and its second formulation formula of end itself. Finally, the combining of facts and theory has been discussed in the analysis. In conclusion, child labor through evaluation using the second formulation of categorical imperative- end itself- of Kant is certainly unethical because it humiliate the dignity of every child. Child labor is the result of other societal problems and thus it should be answered. Certainly, child labor in effect gives an unethical implication in every child. It is morally wrong that the dignity of every child should be taken away because of child labor. Child, in virtue of being a human person, is always endowed with gift of rationality by which makes every child unique and higher than any other temporal beings. Rationality gives the child to have the right to be respected. Child’s dignity is innate in him/her thus it should be protected. Indeed, child labor is morally wrong because it primarily dehumanizes every child by destroying his/her dignity. Bibliography Primary: Kant, I. (1948). Groundwork of the metaphysics of morals (H.J. Paton, Trans. ). New York: Harper and Row Publishers, Inc. Kant, I. (1993). Grounding for the metaphysics of moral: On supposed right to lie because of philanthropic concerns. In J. W. Ellington (3rd ed. and Trans. ). Indianapolis/Cambridge: Hacket Publishing Company, Inc. Secondary: Andres, T. D. & Ilada-Andres, P. L. B. (2005). Understanding the Filipino (8th ed. ). Quezon City: New Day Publishing. Timbreza, F. T. (2008). Filipino philosophy today. Kalayaan Avenue Diliman, Quezon City: Kalayaan Press Mktg. Ent. Inc. United Nations. (2008). Universal declaration of human rights: Dignity and justice for all of us. New York: UN Department of Publication. On-line: About child labor. (February 24, 2012). International Labor Organization. Retrieved March 2, 2012, from http://www. ilo. org/ipec/fects/lang–en/index. htm Diokno, J. W. (1998). Part one: Understanding child labor. Working Together Against Child Labor: Philippine Campaign. Retrieved March 2, 2012, from http://ipecphils. tripod. com/pillaws/intro. htm What kinds of work do children do? (2012). Retrieved March 2, 2012, from http://www. knowledgelabor. org/child labor/kinds of child labor. php.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Responsibility For Solving Problems Essay

Should people take more responsibility for solving problems that affect their communities or the nation in general? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations. Nowadays, there are many problems in our nation. These Problems affect people every day, everywhere, around the world. Responsibility towards our communities is an extreme international internal sensation. It is inside of every one of us!! â€Å"Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.† This quote by John F. Kennedy rings true. People should take more responsibility for solving problems that affect their communities or the nation in general because society should be more self-reliant. Every little thing that people try to do counts. We all need to work and volunteer to make our society much better and civilized. Additionally, the people of the community should take more action in helping out the environment so that they can enjoy living in a clean area without impediments stopping the sanitation of the vicinity. Citizens should be aware of global warming and should start helping out to stop pollution in the area. They can start recycling paper and canned products and collecting trash rather than littering. People in Los Angeles made a group together called LA’s Watershed Protection Program and helped to stop pollution. Some things they did were dispose of trash properly, used environmentally safe products, and recycled their used motor oil and filters. This is why the people should take more responsibility in helping out the environment to stop pollution in the future. Government support is helpful; however, people should not always depend on them. People need to take charge in order for the nation to prosper economically and environmentally. A nation is defined by the standard of life of its people. Thus, if the people work together to improve their lives, they will be improving the status of their communities, and consequently, their nation.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Give an account of how you would prepare and deliver an effective oral Essay

Give an account of how you would prepare and deliver an effective oral presentation in which you are required to explain some key ideas of either a) jean Baudrillard or b) Michel Foucault - Essay Example city introduced a great deal of change in the society at a drastic rate, as well as in every aspect of the human life or observation over a short period of time. Postmodernism and Foucault have become such integrally related terms that none can exist without the other. Due to this reason it is essential for us to understand what actually postmodernism means. In his philosophical reflection Foucault has deconstructed all the conceived notions about human existence by penetrating within the layers of people’s intellectual capacity. At the same time, through such process, he also has attempted to explore whether there is any existence of Truth at the philosophical and spiritual level of human existence. The term Postmodernism is used most frequently in the cultural, philosophical and literary domain of today’s world. According to social observers the Western civilization and its cultural outlook are experiencing a change. This changing or the process of transition is known as the shifting from modernism to postmodernism. Though postmodernism is one of the most interesting field of study and research these days, but there is no such definition that can actually define postmodernism in the complete sense. One hand, it is quite difficult to provide proper description of the periods when the transitions are happening and on the other hand it is also not possible to figure out properly the main signs of postmodernism. Perhaps it is in the 30s, when the first time the term postmodernism was used. During this time postmodernism actually referred to change in historical spectrum of the Western world as well as certain changes that became conspicuous in the prevailing Art forms. It i s the 1970s, when postmodernism drew huge attention from scholars in every field. In his book, A Primer on Postmodernism, the author Stanley J. Grenz has commented about prevailing influence of postmodernism, â€Å"First it denoted a new style of architecture. Then it invaded academic circles,

Friday, September 27, 2019

Information Security in Supply Chain Security Research Proposal

Information Security in Supply Chain Security - Research Proposal Example However, this ‘information security’ aspect in the supply chain security is not as greatly investigated as the other areas are. Given the fact that supply chains involve crucial information about organizations, nations as well as about individuals, it is a necessity to ensure the security of all the information. Large supply chains that include borders of different countries involve number of agencies that share information among themselves. Such a process requires a strong system that would ensure the security of information. This research proposal is an attempt to provide a guideline regarding the research that will be conducted on the information security systems that are used by the agencies like customs in various countries. The proposal includes details of research objectives, possible structure of literature review as well as the research methodology. Research Objectives The main purpose behind conducting this research is to identify and analyze the present inform ation security systems that are used by various key players in the supply chains. Furthermore, the research is also aimed at finding out the alternative security system models that may be used. There may be several aspects or parameters based on which a particular security system model can be analyzed. ... It is found that ASYCUDA (Automated System for Customs Data Acquisition) is one of those systems that are widely used by important agencies that are involved in the global supply chains. Hence, this research will aim at gathering sufficient information about this system, its usage, advantages and disadvantages. This will certainly be another main objective of the research. In addition to all these objectives, the research will also focus on identifying the requirements of changing the existing systems and having a new one that will be more efficient and effective. Hence, the following research question arise form these objectives. Is there any need of developing a new standard information security system that will be used across the world? Literature Review A preliminary study of literature reveals that supply chains have evolved in several respects over the past few decades. They have become more global than they were ever before. Today, major stakeholders in a supply chain’s security are the industry, governments and terminal operators. According to the findings of a research paper which is published by IT major IBM, key elements of the security of a supply chain include physical security, risk analysis, personnel security, information security and procedural security (Knight, 2003). As far as information security is considered it is certainly one of the most significant elements as the supply chain processes are managed by the information systems. Acknowledgement of the importance of information security must come with the acceptance of the fact that there are several problems that challenge the safety and security of information that are exchanged across the supply chains. Andrew R. Thomas has opined that one of the major problems

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Moral Autobiography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Moral Autobiography - Essay Example Genetics made me possess certain innate qualities that I find difficult to erase. However, it seems to me that socialization had a larger role in deciding my outward behavior (Text). For example, my present skills, knowledge, values, emotions and my role are all decided by the society. Admittedly, the very beginning of my socialization was from family followed by peers, school and the wider society. Thus, the beginning of my ethics was from my family, especially my parents. As my father is a Jew and mother has no affiliation with any religion, I grew up with no influence of any religion on me. However, the values of ethics that developed in me were mainly imported from the values I observed in my parents. In the early stages of my life, that is play, I imitated the surroundings I saw. I played doctor, police, father and teacher. At this stage, even without my knowing, the basic values of ethics were getting inculcated. Evidently, in the beginning, my ethics was entirely normative in nature. Admittedly, it was somewhat in the kind of the Golden Rule that one should do to others what one wants others to do to one. I learnt the fact that I should respect my parents, teachers and all elders. In addition, certain fundamentals like killing or harming is bad, it is good to help others were also incorporated into my ethical repertoire. Here, the tenets of Role Theory seem useful. According to the theory, the observable social behavior of people is like carrying out ones role in the society. For example, as a child I was made to obey my parents and all other elders I met. In addition, as the Symbolic Interaction Theory suggests, I started developing the concept of self. As I was defining myself, I found myself taking the role of a son and a student. As a child, I used to observe and play the roles of various people. As I imitated my father, I observed how my father has been with me, and thus I got the ideas of ethics. Admittedly, at this stage, I got no influence of rel igion, and the only ethical aspects of my life came from my parents' advice and observation I made. As a result of the normative nature of my ethics, I can say it was virtue ethics that I upheld in the beginning. It was inculcated not as my duty, but as a virtue I should develop. If I try to mention them, the very first thing is that one is supposed to respect all elders, especially parents and teachers. In addition, I found that unnecessarily harming anyone is morally wrong as Symbolic Interaction Theory claims. As I found that others do not engage in such activities that are harmful to others, I realized that harming others is immoral. However, as I reached adolescence and started mingling with may people, I reached what is called utilitarian concept. I found the fat that if I behave well with others, there is the feeling of wellbeing in the group I live. In addition, there was the development of deontological idea that I can expect in return, the kind of virtue I produce. In addi tion, I rightly followed the principles of virtue ethics by trying to develop a eudaimon life that gives satisfaction. Admittedly, this took place mainly because my parents, especially my mother taught me that if one has virtue in life, or if one always does good things in life, one will have peace and thus will be a good human being. However, reaching adolescence and reaching the Christian school, my concepts of ethics developed and altered a lot. Admittedly, Christian ethics varies from ethics in general. While Christian ethics stress on what

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

How do the concepts of networks and the network society contribute to Essay

How do the concepts of networks and the network society contribute to the understanding of the contemporary media landscape Ill - Essay Example In the modern 21st century, we find that this field of information and communication is undergoing a series of changes, arising from various technological innovations, and forming a new setting for the access, subject matter, formatting, and interactive sessions, adding a new dimension to the socio-political world (Huntington, 1997). Under such conditions, various social movements, and revolutionary politics are able to interpose with greater force and in lesser time, within this new interactive space, leading to the convergence of the horizontal communication networks and mass media. This has led to an unparalleled shift in history, where the public sphere is fast moving away from the realms of various institutions, to this new space that mainly comprises of mass self-communication, and communication networking, through the Internet and the wireless networking modes (Klinenberg, 2007). This article will examine this new age communication space, and will study to find out how the con cept of networks and network society, contribute to the overall understanding of the contemporary media landscape. ... , Jan van Dijk first coined the term ‘network society’  in his book De Netwerkmaatschappij   (van Dijk, 2005), and was later used by Manuel Castells in 1996. Castells analyses this new concept of ‘network society’ and conceptualised that such societies formed owing to certain factors: The creation of the innovative Information and Communication Technology (ICT), and the formation of global computer networks that helped in the global integration. The lowering of communication costs as in transnational transports, making it possible for the global migration to take place. The breakdown of the Berlin wall and the subsequent rise in global capitalism; The rise of various new forms of social movements like the human rights, civil rights, women’s rights, environmental rights, etc., (Castells, and Gustavo, 2005). In an interview, Castells defined the term network society as â€Å"a society where the key social structures and activities are organized aro und electronically processed information networks...It's about social networks which process and manage information and are using micro-electronic based technologies" (History; Institute of International Studies, UC Berkeley, 2001). Castells further adds that technology is not the only aspect that defines modern societies, but other factors like economy, culture, and politics also form the framework of network societies, while religion and social status, help in shaping these societies. A network that collectively forms the societies, are actually series of links between basic unitary social elements, known as the nodes. When a single link between two unitary elements is established, the formation of a ‘relationship’ takes place, and many such relationships form a complex web, known as network societies. Van Dijk in

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Final Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Final - Assignment Example Those formulations are then adopted through the congressional process and then to the bureaucratic process. This part is done by the executive agencies. In this case, the policy implementation could include adopting regulations and rules, providing products and services, adjudication of disputes, public education campaigns and many others. Various actors and observers evaluate the effects of policies. In this case, they evaluate whether the policy is solving the problem at hand by accomplishing their goals. Evaluation compares the costs and benefits of policies. Congress uses its oversight powers to seek answers on the progress of the policy project. 2. A balanced budget is the one where the government raises enough money to fund the budget. In this case, the total revenues are equal to the total expenditures. In this case, there is neither a budget surplus nor a budget deficit that exists. As such, the budget accounts are in balance. However, a balanced budget generally refers the one that has no budget deficit, but a budget surplus may exist. A balance budget does not require the government to source for revenue from external sources. In addition, the government does not need to seek a supplementary budget from the legislative body to finance stalled projects as a result of financial deficiency. There are several factors that can cause budget surplus. One of them is increased taxation rate on some product. In this case, the government may increase the tax to achieve another objective rather that collecting revenue; may be to discourage consumption of a certain product. Another factor is improved economic growth or devaluation of currency in trading partners. The government has a large number of departments, parastatals, and agencies among other area that it operates. Provision of services such as medical, education and security are in the responsibilities of the government. In this

Monday, September 23, 2019

Needs of people with disabilities in Health and Social Care Assignment

Needs of people with disabilities in Health and Social Care - Assignment Example The principal test folks of youngsters with ASD face are the conclusion itself, which can bring disaster, nervousness, annoyance and an inclination that life has been uncalled for, as stated by Webmd. "You don't need to child yourself about how hard it is," said Robert A. Naseef, Ph.d., a clinical clinician in Philadelphia, the writer of the book "Uncommon Children, Challenged Parents," and the father of a become child with extreme Autism. As he educated Webmd, "The great thing concerning getting a conclusion is that then you get a heading in what will help your youngster. More often than not, when children get the right help and begin making advancement, their guardian's state of mind lights up and you have some trust once more." Â  An alternate obstacle for folks is the strain having a youngster with such far reaching needs puts on the family unit. Naseef noted to Webmd that pressure can enter relational unions on the grounds that managing a mental imbalance is so expending and he urges couples to attempt to set aside a few minutes for their marriage. One proposal he has is having an "in-home" night out, so that folks don't need to stress over getting a sitter, and appreciating a calm supper and film after the children have gone to bunk. An alternate trouble for families might be the way kin feel dominated by the needs of the youngster with extreme Autism, keeping in mind some have the capacity to structure a nearby relationship, others may lament the passing of a commonplace mate.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Hamlets Contradicting Traits Essay Example for Free

Hamlets Contradicting Traits Essay William Shakespeare created many complex characters in his play Hamlet. One of these complex characters being the protagonist, Prince Hamlet. Hamlet has many contradictory traits, two of them being that Hamlet sometimes thinks rationally, and that being overcome by the command left by the ghost of his belligerent father, King Hamlet, he tends to make irrational decisions. When Hamlet is first introduced to the ghost’s commands in scene one, act 5, they begin to consume him with thoughts of vengeance, to murder Claudius, his father’s murderer. Throughout the play, Hamlet acts in such a way to provide evidence supporting both traits. Conflicted by these two opposing traits, Prince Hamlet has a war of two spirits in his mind, deciding which side is right. During the length of the play, Hamlet frequently argues with himself. Many of his soliloquies are debates between Hamlet and the warring side of his mind that believes he should listen to the vengeful plan of his father’s ghost. At the beginning of the play, Hamlet, the Prince of Denmark, is a rational scholar from Wittenberg. When he returns from Wittenberg, his mother, Queen Gertrude confronts him concerning his melancholy. He replies â€Å"Seems, madam? Nay it is. I know not ‘seems’† (1. 2. 76) He is very straightforward with her and speaks in a sensible and rational manner. This conversation happened before Hamlet encountered the ghost; therefor the militant and vengeful spirit has not yet influenced him. When Hamlet is preparing to rig the play to gage a reaction from Claudius to prove he is guilty of murdering his father, he is thinking rationally. Ill have these players/Play something like the murder of my father/Before mine uncle: Ill observe his looks; /Ill tent him to the quick: if he but blench, /I know my course. † (2. 2. 601-605) it takes and intelligent, sensible, and rational person to develop such a precise and functioning plan, therefor proving Hamlet is able to think rationally. Once Hamlet has met and been influenced to his father’s ghost, he becomes consumed with the thought of avenging his father. Hamlet is not a violent person; therefor the thought of murdering Claudius causes a lot of internal conflict for Hamlet. As Hamlet and Laertes fight in Ophelia’s grave, Hamlet says to Laertes â€Å"For, though I am not splenitive and rash, /Yet have I something in me dangerous, /Which let thy wiseness fear† (5. 1. 265-267). This quote proves that Hamlet is aware that though he is not generally a violent person, he now possesses something dangerous in him due to his dead father’s command. Later, Hamlet claims to Laertes that he is mad. â€Å"Roughly awake, I here proclaim was madness. /†¦ Who does it, then? His madness: ift be so, /Hamlet is of the faction that is wrongd; /His madness is poor Hamlets enemy† (5. . 224-233) according to Hamlet it was not him who killed Polonius it was his madness. Again, Hamlet is aware that avenging his father has driven him to be something he is not, and to do irrational things such as murdering Polonius. Hamlet had stabbed Polonius through a curtain simply because there was a slight chance it would have been Claudius hiding. Before chec king, he quickly stabbed Polonius, this is completely irrational and risky on Hamlet’s part. This dramatic turn of events caused negative repercussions towards Hamlet. By killing Polonius, Hamlet pushed Laertes to decide to avenge his own father and in the end, he murders Hamlet. The overwhelming urge to avenge his father caused Hamlet to act without thinking, putting Hamlet in a dangerous situation. Due to Hamlet’s strongly contradicting traits, he frequently argues with himself, usually in his soliloquies. Hamlet’s soliloquy â€Å"To be or not to be† is a literal debate between scholarly, rational Hamlet and Prince Hamlet as the soldier-son, seeking revenge for his pugnacious father. In this soliloquy, Hamlet questions his motives and morals. To be, or not to be: that is the question:/Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer/The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, /Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, /And by opposing end them? † (3. 1. 56-60) he is debating with himself on whether or not it is worth it to avenge his father. This way of making a decision is a rational and logical thought process in which Hamlet is evaluating all of his options and their repercussions. However, had Hamlet not had irrational thoughts to begin with, he would not have to go through with this process. Eventually Hamlet`s irrational urge to avenge his father consumes him. Most of his rationality has vanished and all of his thoughts concern revenge, or are not fully thought through. In his â€Å"My thoughts be bloody†¦Ã¢â‚¬  soliloquy, the irrational part of Hamlet`s divided soul is convincing him that if he does not avenge his father essentially he has no purpose â€Å"What is a man,/If his chief good and market of his time /Be but to sleep and feed? a beast, no more† (4. 4. 36-38) Hamlet says if he has no purpose, he is nothing. At the end of the soliloquy Hamlet decides â€Å"My thoughts be bloody, or be nothing worth! (4. 4. 68) this is him saying that if his thoughts are not concerning violent actions towards Claudius, they are worthless. These thoughts are completely irrational, and the benefits and downfalls of this decision have not been taken into consideration. Later when Hamlet is asked whether he would prefer to battle Laertes now, or give himself some tim e to prepare, he quickly responds that he will fight him now, leading to Hamlet’s death. Again, Hamlet has irrationally made a decision without considering each side of the argument. The command left by the ghost of his father has completely overcome his mind leaving him not thinking logically or rationally as he was at the beginning of the play. Hamlet is an irrational rationalist. Before the ghost confronts him, Hamlet is a rational scholar from Wittenberg, however afterwards, the ghost’s vengeful thoughts consumes him, giving Hamlet an irrational and violent mindset. During the play, these two combative traits are warring in his mind, and expressed through soliloquies. Many of Hamlet’s soliloquies are debates between these two opposing traits. Eventually, the vengeful thoughts consume Hamlet and he becomes highly irrational. He does not plan or think anything through as he did at the beginning of the play. Hamlet’s irrationality is potentially the cause of his madness, and death. Had Hamlet not been so irrational whilst making decisions and allowing the vengeful thoughts left by his father to consume him, Claudius would not be seeking to murder him. Though Hamlet is genuinely a rationalist, his need to avenge his father’s death consumes him, causing him to make irrational and illogical decisions.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Standardized Testing Essay Example for Free

Standardized Testing Essay Are you one of the many students who cram in hours upon hours of studying the night before an exam that has been stressing you out all week? You wake up the next morning nervous and full of anxiety, just to take the same test as everyone else, under the same conditions as everyone else. Sounds fair right? Well I don’t believe it is, and here’s why. Standardized tests were made to test the knowledge of a student over a particular course or subject. The ACT and SAT, for example, are composed of four multiple choice sections usually including math, english, science and reading. Well here’s the funny thing, everyone is different. Some students thrive at written tests where some students fail. Some students are better at presentations where other students are not. Because of the differences in student’s ability to learn and retain information caused by many different teaching methods and criteria covered, standardized testing has become an unreliable way to measure a student’s knowledge and should be replaced by other means such as using e-portfolios or performance based assessment. Some of the main problems with standardized tests such as the ACT or the SAT include trying to accurately measure a students knowledge over a particular set of subjects and a phenomenon involving teachers called â€Å"teaching the test†. In a 2013 speech to the American Educational Research Association, Secretary of Education Arne Duncan said â€Å"State assessments in mathematics and English often fail to capture the full spectrum of what students know and can do,† he said. â€Å"Students, parents, and educators know there is much more to a sound education than picking the right answer on a multiple-choice question† (Evans). I completely agree with Arne Duncan on this matter. On a typical standardized test you have about a twenty five percent chance of getting the answer right. Potentially, you could have a student who does not know the material at all, but could guess right on more than half the answers and get credit for it. Being a student who has taken the ACT more than once, I can honestly say I feel like the ACT was a poor representation of my knowledge over the subjects tested on. Now with the phenomenon called â€Å"teaching the test† which is where teachers center their curricula around state tests, students become subject only to material that will be found on the test. This not only causes teachers to lack creativity within the teaching of the course, but also causes students to become limited to learning test taking skills. Even though standardized testing can be harmful to student’s creativity, there are some alternatives to this problem. One alternative to standardized testing, relating to the SAT and ACT, would be the use of electronic portfolios or e-portfolios. Terrel Rhodes, vice president for quality, curriculum, and assessment at the Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC;U) says that â€Å"E-portfolios provide a means for collecting assigned work, as well as students accomplishments in non-classroom settings, so that faculty, internship supervisors, and others can assess it and aggregate or disaggregate the results, depending on the purposes of the assessment† (1). Basically e-portfolios would be a collection of student’s individual work throughout the year, organized into a folder that the teacher would have access to at all times. This folder would help the teacher view how each and every student learns and give an overview on how much each student took away from the course, what not to teach in the following years and what to cover more heavily. This alternative is more effective and personal than a standardized multiple choice test because it gives the teacher a chance to personally view how each individual student is progressing throughout the year. In terms of college admissions, if your portfolio was shared with the colleges of your choice, it would allow college admissions to see your progress throughout the year. So instead of just seeing an ACT test score that a student could have potentially guessed on for more than half the answers, they would be able to see a portfolio showing how well equipped and prepared for college the student is. It would be a great way of telling if the student would be a good fit for their program or not. Given the knowledge at hand, I believe e-portfolios would be a great alternative to standardized testing. Another alternative to standardized testing is performance based assessment. â€Å"Performance assessments measure skills such as the ability to integrate knowledge across disciplines, contribute to the work of a group, and develop a plan of action when confronted with a new situation† (Brudali). This differs from standardized testing in the fact that teachers focus more on the process of learning, where standardized testing focuses on the product. Instead of using tests that are multiple choice that require a student to choose the one correct answer, performance based assessment often times uses group projects, hands-on projects, essays and verbal presentations to determine a student’s knowledge and skills over a particular set of subjects. Another advantage to performance assessment is that â€Å"Performance assessments provide teachers with more information about the learning needs of their students and enable them to modify their methods to meet these needs† (Wren). Teachers actually try to assess each and every students learning process and direct the class accordingly, letting students take away more from lectures. Having this type of assessment in high school would benefit students tremendously in college. Having experience with verbal presentations and hands on projects will provide the student a head start with skills you need for college. These skills would be used for interviews, group projects in labs and speeches given throughout the years. Performance based assessment would tremendously benefit and prepare students for college and would be a great alternative to standardized testing. Knowing that there are already proven solutions to standardized testing, let me ask you why you are still taking them? Studies have clearly proven that standardized testing is an inaccurate and unreliable way to display the knowledge of students. Not only that, studies have also proven that different methods such as e-portfolios and the performance based assessments are a more accurate and effective way of displaying a students knowledge over various subjects. So why don’t you take initiative? Join a club like student council, a club where you have a say with what goes on with your school and the decisions being made. Start a petition against standardized testing and let students get involved. Not only that, let your community get involved. Tell your family and friends about the disadvantages of standardized testing and its inability to measure students’ knowledge. There are many ways you can get involved in your school and community to have a say in the decisions being made with problems such as standardized testing. All you have to do is take initiative and act upon it. With all the knowledge at hand, I truly believe standardized testing is a terrible way to reflect a student’s knowledge and there are many alternatives that can be provided in place of it.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Limiting Reactant Effect on Lab

Limiting Reactant Effect on Lab The Limiting Reactant Lab ABSTRACT The purpose of is lab is to see how the limiting reactant effects the whole lab. To determine what the other limiting reactant was and how much of reactant was there. INTRODUCTION A[CS4] limiting reactant limits the reaction and controls the amount of product formed when balancing an equation and making calculations. When calculating a limiting reactant, two reactant masses given because once the limiting reactant is gone the reaction stops producing. Limiting reactant is the reactant that is completely used until there isnt any more of it and then the reactant will stop. (Shah, 2007) (Buthelezi, Dingrando, Hainen, Winstrom, Zike, 2013). Hypothesis is proposed that if there is a sufficient amount of iron that the copper would not be precipitated. MATERIALS Ring Stand Filter Paper Distilled Water Stirring Rod Pipestem triangle Balance Copper(II) sulfate 100mL beaker Wire screen Weigh cups Iron filings 250mL beakers Bunsen burner METHODS The mass of 100mL beaker was measured using a balance. The mass of the weigh cups were taken using a balance, also. 8 grams of copper sulfate crystals were measured using a balance and placed into the 100mL beaker. A graduated cylinder was used to measure out 50 mL of water out to add into the crystals. A Bunsen burner was lit under the ring stand with the wire screen on the ring clamp holding the 100mL beaker and substances in place. The beaker was heated and stirred until just before it began to boil, then the gas was shut off to stop the flame [CS5]and the solution began to cool. 1.3 grams of iron filings were stirred into the hot copper sulfate crystals. The 100mL beaker was left to cool for ten minutes while observing the reaction taking place. A sheet of filter paper was taken including initials written [CS6]on it and weighed. A filtration system was made and placed into a funnel. The funnel was placed over an E[CS7]. flask. The liquid was poured slowly into the funnel going th rough the [CS8]filter paper and into the flask. With tap water the beaker was rinsed. When the solid settled[CS9], the beaker was rinsed two more times, until all of the solid was transferred to the filter paper. The filter paper was placed onto a watch glass and then placed into the oven. Once it is cooled[CS10], the mass of the beaker, filter paper and solid were recorded. RESULTS The[CS11] Limiting Reactants limit the reaction. Once the limiting reactant is gone[CS12] the reaction stops, it determines the amount of the product being produced. Single replacement reaction is a chemical reaction happens when certain atoms in one replace the atoms in another element[CS13]. If[CS14] you dont[CS15] balance and record your numbers then you cannot keep track of how much you have, and then it can make you[CS16] to use too much or to less of needed for the chemical reaction. Using dirty glass wear[CS17] can affect the weights[CS18] and the reaction occurring[CS19]. Mass[CS20] of empty 100mL beaker 70g Mass of copper (II) sulfate 8.0g Mass of iron filings 1.3g Substance collected 3.0g Mass of filter paper 2.0g Moles[CS21] of copper (II) sulfate equaled out to be 0.08 moles because 8.0 grams of copper sulfate multiplied by one mole of copper sulfate divided by 96g of copper sulfate equaled 0.08 moles. The amount of iron added to the solution calculated out to be 0.02 molFe because 1.3 multiplied by one mole Fe divided by 56 grams Fe equals 0.02molFe. There were 0.05 moles of substance produced due to 3 grams being multiplied by 1 and divided by 64 grams and equals to 0.05 moles of substance. Moles of iron metal reactant came out to be 2.8 moles because 8 grams multiplied 1 mole divided by 160 grams multiplied by 56 grams equals 2.8 moles. Copper (II) sulfate starts with 3 grams divided by 56 grams multiplied by 160 grams equals 8.57 moles CuSO4[CS22]. [CS23]The limiting reactant is the iron metal. Its the lowest number[CS24]. The CuSO4 was the excess due to having more left over an exact amount of 8.57 moles. The only error [CS25]that occurred in the lab would be the beaker not being quite as clean as needed In correct recording[CS26] of the Iron[CS27] filings. Also[CS28] that Some[CS29] of the iron was still built up along the sides of the beaker[CS30]. Some of the iron came out [CS31]before it reached the beaker with the copper (II) sulfate. [CS1]APA format says that the running head should be left aligned and page number right aligned. The title of your lab should also be in all caps. [CS2]Please do not use . Either use a comma or the word and. [CS3]Your abstract is missing. Please create a new page, make a center and bold heading Abstract, and complete. Your abstract should be a summary of the purpose of the lab and your findings. [CS4]Paragraphs should be indented. [CS5]Shutting the gas off stopped the flame. Please be specific and explain that instead. [CS6]Third person [CS7]Spell out the name. [CS8]And would work here also [CS9]comma [CS10]comma [CS11]The first line of the paragraph is indented only. [CS12]comma [CS13]Please clarify. [CS14]Just so this lab report will flow a little better, please put a sentence here about potential errors could have been caused by these things in the sentences that follow. [CS15]Please dont use contractions. [CS16]Third person, please. Try something like it would be possible to à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. [CS17]This should be spelled ware. [CS18]masses [CS19]If you say this, you need to explain how. Dirty glassware causes masses to be falsely increased due to contaminants or side reactions that use up the reactants to make an undesired product. [CS20]Put in a heading to label this table as Table 1. It should be bold and left aligned. [CS21]Please left align [CS22]This needs subscript. [CS23]This is very difficult to read. Please see me for correct format. Also, instead of going by the calculations listed in the form, calculate limiting reactant and excess in grams the way we did in class. [CS24]Instead of this, it needs to be specific. The limiting reactant was iron metal since calculations indicated that the smallest amount of copper could be produced. [CS25]Many errors are possible. Please mention incorrect measurements, faulty balances, side reactions due to dirty glassware. [CS26]Incorrect is one word [CS27]This does not need to be capitalized. [CS28]comma [CS29]Do not capitalize [CS30]Remained in the beaker [CS31]Came out? How did it come out? Be specific. Mention sticking to the weigh boat, spilling, or some other means of losing the iron.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

It’s Time to Stop Corporate Terrorism :: Argumentative Persuasive Argument Essays

It’s Time to Stop Corporate Terrorism Looking at corporate terrorism, homlessness, and the technology gap, it is clear that the profit of large corporations varies indirectly with the improvment of the economy.   When given the opportunity, all companies would take money from the workers and communies and spend it on themselves.   The greed of large corporations is terrorizing communities throughout America.    Corporate terrorism is occurring and millions of people are losing their jobs as corporations claim they need to "stay competitive." (Moore)   Relationships between employers and their employees are dwindling as no credit given to the hard workers. (Terkle)   Instead, their jobs are taken away.   The more profit the company makes the less that goes back to the economic community.   Roger Smith, the CEO of GM, moved his company to Mexico where he could increase profit by paying the workers less. (Moore)   This is a corporate terrorism where "anything goes" seems to the motto.   Corporations are mindlessly discarding whatever is in their way to fulfill their idea of the American Dream. (Derber)   The leftovers are then thrown out to the street with no sense of hope.   The number of homeless citizens increases each year.   â€Å"Homelessness is a problem that is not going away.   There are more homeless people this year than last, and the number keeps growing.† (Grisham)   If corporations would move thier plants back to the communities, new jobs there would to create equal opportunities to all employees where a gap now stands.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚   The technology gap is increasing.   More people are experiencing that what you earn depends on what you learn.   The rich are getting richer and the poor getting poorer.   The gap will not even out. (Alter)   Recently unemployed citizens are experiencing an American Nightmare.   There are no jobs left. (Newman)   As labor positions decrease, employees cannot find anywhere else to go.   When asked to build a Nike plant in Flint, Phil Night’s response was â€Å"Americans don’t want to work in factories.†Ã‚   The truth is factories are the only thing that some people know.   There is nothing left for these people in their own community. The profit of large corporations should not vary indirectly with improving the economy because it harms more people than it helps.   At the time of the layoffs in Flint, Roger Smith gave himself a one million dollar raise. It is unlikely to expect profiting corporations to overcome the childishness of greed.   Instead of finding work for the previous employers of GM, Smith thought only of himself.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Unhealthy Images of the Female Body :: Psychology, Self-esteem

To some degree women in various cultures have always experienced the pressure to conform to specific ideals. The new phenomenon in Western society is telling women that beauty has requirements. That is, to be attractive you must be incredibly thing, firm, but not muscular and large breasted (Grogan 41). Unhealthy images of the female body are continuously displayed in almost all aspects of media, but television commercials are an incredibly strong influence. Although there are many influential commercials, the ad campaign by Victoria's Secret, Love My Body, is particularly frightening. The television commercials star the typical "stick thin and busty" models (McDonell-Parry) parading around in their underwear, wind blowing through their hair, making comments such as "I love my body", "my body is sexy" and "my body is my favorite body". The idea of confidence is possibly trying to be portrayed here, but the company strongly reinforces the narrow image of beauty created in Western society by choosing models that conform to Westernized beauty standards, thus contradicting the theme of confidence (McDonell-Parry). This specific Victoria's Secret commercial, along with many other commercials, are being viewed by thousands of women, both young and old. The portrayal of these women on TV sends a message to young females that confidence is fun and sexy, but you can only have it if you are extremely thin, busty, and beautiful like the displayed women. The commercials for the new line of bras could have easily been made to promote the love and appreciation of all women, despite their shape or size, but it chose to reinforce the unrealistic standards that the typical media source holds. It is images and ads like these that create inward negative feelings in young women. Self-esteem is considered to be a â€Å"positive or negative attitude toward†¦ the self† (Clay 451). Negative attitudes in young women can stem from a variety of internal or external forces. An accurate method to measure a young female’s self-esteem is through the interpretation of body dissatisfaction and what provokes it. Body dissatisfaction occurs due to three things, in the present day: the desire to be thin, the dread of weight gain and the idea that weight and shape are essential to a female’s character (Levine 11). All of these determinants of body dissatisfaction are a result of how media uses an unrealistic female body in virtually all of its aspects, thus creating a cultural norm that being "thin is attractive" (Levine 15).

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Managing Motivation in Economy Essay

The firm has had to close quite a few locations, reversing its expansion plans for the first time since it incorporated. Being that this is uncharted territory for the company, Jim Claussen, vice president for human relations, had been struggling with how to address the issue with employees. As the company’s fortunes worsened, he could see that employees were becoming more and more disaffected. Their insecurity about their jobs was taking a toll on attitudes. The company’s downsizing was big news, and the employees didn’t like what they were hearing. Media reports of Morgan-Moe’s store closings have focused on the lack of advance notice or communication from the company’s corporate offices, as well as the lack of severance payments for departing employees. In the absence of official information, rumors and gossip have spread like wildfire among remaining employees. A few angry blogs developed by laid-off employees, like IHateMorganMoe. blogspot. com, have made the morale and public relations picture even worse. Morgan-Moe is changing in other ways as well. The average age of its workforce is increasing rapidly. A couple of factors have contributed to this shift. First, fewer qualified young people are around because many families have moved south to find jobs. Second, stores have been actively encouraged to hire older workers, such as retirees looking for some supplemental income. Managers are very receptive to these older workers because they are more mature, miss fewer days of work, and do not have child-care responsibilities. They are also often more qualified than younger workers because they have more experience, sometimes in the managerial or executive ranks. These older workers have been a great asset to the company in troubled times, but they are especially likely to leave if things get bad. If these older workers start to leave the company, taking their hard-earned experience with them, it seems likely that Morgan-Moe will sink deeper toward bankruptcy. The System Claussen wasn’t quite sure how to respond to employees’ sense of hopelessness and fear until a friend gave him a book entitled Man’s Search for Meaning. The book was written by a psychologist named Victor Frankl who survived the concentration camps at Auschwitz. Frankl found that those who had a clear sense of purpose, a reason to live, were more likely to persevere in the face of nearly unspeakable suffering. Something about this book, and its advocacy of finding meaning and direction as a way to triumph over adversity, really stuck with Claussen. He thought he might be able to apply its lessons to his workforce. He proposed the idea of a new direction for management to the company’s executive committee, and they reluctantly agreed to try his suggestions. Over the last 6 months, stores throughout the company have used a performance management system that, as Claussen says, â€Å"gets people to buy into the idea of performing so that they can see some real results in their stores. It’s all about seeing that your work serves a broader purpose. I read about how some companies have been sharing store performance information with employees to get them to understand what their jobs really mean and participate in making changes, and I thought that was something we’d be able to do. † The HR team came up with five options for the management system. Corporate allowed individual managers to choose the option they thought would work best with their employees so that managers wouldn’t feel too much like a rapid change was being forced on them. Program I is opting out of the new idea, continuing to stay the course and providing employees with little to no information or opportunities for participation. Program II tracks employee absence and sick leave and shares that information with individual employees, giving them feedback about things they can control. Management takes no further action. Program III tracks sales and inventory replacement rates across shifts. As in Program II, information is shared with employees, but without providing employee feedback about absence and sick leave. Program IV, the most comprehensive, tracks the same information as Programs II and III. Managers communicate it in weekly brainstorming sessions, during which employees try to determine what they can do better in the future and make suggestions for improving store performance. Program V keeps the idea of brainstorming but doesn’t provide employees with information about their behavior or company profits. Since implementing the system, Claussen has spoken with several managers about what motivated them to choose the program they did. Artie Washington, who chose Program IV, said, â€Å"I want to have my employees’ input on how to keep the store running smoothly. Everybody worries about his or her job security in this economy. Letting them know what’s going on and giving them ways to change things keeps them involved. † Betty Alvarez couldn’t disagree more. She selected Program I. â€Å"I would rather have my employees doing their jobs than going to meetings to talk about doing their jobs. That’s what management is for. † Michael Ostremski, another proponent of Program I, added, â€Å"It’s okay for the employees to feel a little uncertain—if they think we’re in the clear, they’ll slack off. If they think we’re in trouble, they’ll give up. Cal Martins also questions the need to provide information to the whole team, but he chose Program II. â€Å"A person should know where he or she stands in the job, but they don’t have to know about everyone else. It creates unnecessary tension. † This is somewhat similar to Cindy Ang’s reason for picking Program V. â€Å"When we have our brainstorming meetings, I learn what they [the employees] think is most pressing, not what some spreadsheet says. It gives me a better feel for what’s going on in my store. Numbers count, of course, but they don’t tell you everything. I was also a little worried that employees would be upset if they saw that we aren’t performing well. † Results to Date Claussen is convinced the most elaborate procedure (Program IV) is the most effective, but not everyone in the executive committee is won over by his advocacy. Although they have supported the test implementation of the system because it appears to have relatively low costs, others on the committee want to see results. CEO Jean Masterson has asked for a complete breakdown of the performance of the various stores over the past 4 years. She’s specially interested in seeing how sales figures and turnover rates have been affected by the new program. The company has been collecting data in spreadsheets on sales and turnover rates, and it prepared the following report, which also estimates the dollar cost of staff time taken up in each method. These costs are based on the number of hours employees spend working on the program multiplied by their wage rate. Estimates of turnover, profit, and staff time are collected per store. Profit and turnover data include means and standard deviations across locations; profit is net of the monthly time cost. Turnover information refers to the percentage of employees who either quit or are terminated in a month. To see if any patterns emerged in managers’ selection of programs, the company calculated relationships between program selection and various attributes of the stores. Program I was selected most frequently by the oldest stores and those in the most economically distressed areas. Programs II and III were selected most frequently by stores in urban areas and in areas where the workforce was younger on average. Programs IV and V were selected most frequently in stores in rural areas, and especially where the workforce is older on average.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Boy in Striped Pyjamas and Rose Blanche essay

John Boone represents the different perspectives of society in World War II through the representations of characters in the fictional novel The Boy in Striped Pajamas. Brunt's childlike perspective is represented through his malapropism of ‘the Fury' and â€Å"Out-With† and his reaction to unexpected events, â€Å"mouth making the shape of an O†. The irony of Brunt's narrow view, â€Å"it's so unfair†¦ † Confronts the audience with the ignorance of some German citizens to the horrific events of the Holocaust.The characters of â€Å"Mother ND â€Å"Grandmother† are utilized by Boone to represent the differing perspectives of the society during the Holocaust. Grandmother exercises constructive disobedience in dissenting with the Nazi regime and perceiving Fathers role as â€Å"a puppet on a string†. This is juxtaposed to Brunt's Mother through the euphemism of â€Å"[Bruno] had never known anyone to need quite so many medicinal Sherriesà ¢â‚¬  showing her complacency to do nothing about the knowledge of the concentration camp. Boone positions an older audience to see the dangers of naivety and the cost of inaction.Rose Balance composed by Robert Innocent juxtaposes the main protagonist to others in the picture book, representing the differing perspectives during the Holocaust. The purpose of the text is established by the motif of Rose positioned behind a window, symbolizing her separation from the evil of the Nazi regime. A single bright color is utilized throughout the text, which Innocent uses to juxtapose the dominant influence of Rose Balance and the Nazi regime. Innocent's use of the ironic statement, wars being, people often cheer† confronts a modern audience who recognizes the historical horrors of war.The foreshadowing of seasons â€Å"winter was coming† at the being of the book develops into a symbol of hope after the protagonist is killed and â€Å"spring takes over'. The French translation of Balance connotes the innocence and purity of the protagonist; however the audience soon recognizes Rose's loss of innocence as her bow is lost. The responders are forced to distinguish the evil of the Nazi party from the protagonist whom Innocent represents as a symbol of the innocence and humanity.The Boy in Striped Pajamas and Rose Balance are both tragic representations of innocence through the confronting atrocities of the Holocaust. However, The Boy in Striped Pajamas allows the reader to explore different notions while Rose Balance is a stark representation of the horrors of war. Boone blurs the boundaries between innocence and ignorance through the perspective of Bruno as he â€Å"pretends he hasn't heard† the true about his friend Samuel and the concentration camp.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

A conflict of interest Essay

A conflict of interest is defined as a conflict between the professional or personal interests and needs of a health care provider and his or her professional responsibilities toward a patient or other consumer (financial gain based on a particular outcome or use of one drug rather than another). (Partners Healthcare states that â€Å"A conflict of interest is a set of circumstances that creates a risk that professional judgment or actions regarding a primary interest will be unduly influenced by a secondary interest.† Our textbook defines a conflict of interest as â€Å"when someone has multiple obligations that demand loyalty, and decisions based on these loyalties are different or in conflict† (Page 180) Partners Healthcare has an array of examples of conflicts of interest. Some being 1- â€Å"Receiving consulting fees from a company while performing clinical research on the company’s technology.† 2- â€Å"Accepting a gift from a vendor† and 3- â€Å"Participating in institutional purchasing decisions about products made by a company in which you hold stock.† — This presents a conflict that is always unacceptable. In order to minimize conflicts of interest in managed care the dual interests present in the relationships among MCOs, members and physicians has to first be acknowledged. This awareness permits avoiding or minimizing them. An ombudsman or consumer relations specialist can assist members can decrease conflicts of interest by assisting members and deal with their concerns. (Page 181) The role of a manager are expected to expectations: to focus on the welfare of those receiving care; maintain professional competence; maintain professional posture, holding paramount the interests of facility and residents; and meet the responsibilities to the public, profession, and colleagues. Managers must be aware and take steps to prevent or minimize potential or actual conflicts of interest. This could be through developing and maintaining high ethical standards in the profession, including searching out those who knowingly engage in conflicts of interest and educating those ignorant of them.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

History of God Essay

1. Why you selected the particular book? The diverse religious activities and the differences in faith and belief have divided men into different denominational groupings. For several centuries, religious groupings have engaged in physical and verbal combat in an attempt to spread its faith. However the most fundamental conflict stems from an opposing belief coupled by a summary of socio-cultural differences. These differences have ushered in conflicts that escalated into atrocities and bloodshed. Other conflicts have made religious differences as the organizing point to justify their own superior ambitions. Armstrong however stressed on a comparative history of the three monotheistic religions and exposed the frailty in each belief. Her insistence on the monopoly of truth committed by Christianity, Islam and Judaism as superior to other sects has developed an idea of a supreme being with human similarities. The idea of a personal supreme being has been supported by these religions which condemns and marginalize others. Suc h idealistic behavior of presenting God as a bigger version of man retreats and spins man away from the virtue that the faith teaches. In our present era, God has been adapted to meet the demands of the fast-changing ideas. Armstrong believes that some religions would eventually die out while others would gain strength or change direction. This has actually seen proof in people changing their religious affiliations. Her book is an interesting read that awakens us to the struggle for a religious meaning to an aggressive and extreme personalized stance that totally erases the ethical proportions that embodies that teaching of God. Further in Armstrong’s book, a well-balanced critical perspective on how the Western faith catered to the rise of atheism is clearly presented. It exposed how atheism evolved not merely on the basis of disproving the religious scriptures but as a result of the theological excesses committed in the past years. 2. What is the author’s purpose in writing the book? In our own century, the idea attached to God has been revised several times to meet the demands of the present population. Armstrong believed that when religious ideas cease to be effective, they fade away (376). After so much tribulations and conflicts, the thought that religious roots may cease to exist provides a comforting scene for Armstrong who has seen a drastic shrinkage of religious denominations as common views changed. The reading public’s response in a book with Armstrong’s magnitude has indicated the public’s hunger a theological change. For her, God has been remade to portray a vision that endorses the history and supremacy of the strong to work for their cause. Religion thereby has a social purpose and the idea of God according to Armstrong serves a function for a culture to survive. People have always resisted any type change unless the proposed change fits in with their social and cultural order and lifestyle. This is what Armstrong has continued to stress in her book. Further this book Armstrong aims to express in her history that traditional society practiced spirituality. Men sought nature and use these forces to work for him. Somehow this was depicted in Genesis that was also suggested by Armstrong that Abraham’s God was El (14). Myths evolved around Abraham’s God that was not supposed to be taken literally according to Armstrong. However when behavior or actions of â€Å"God† enabled people to show their best and perform effectively, the concept became highly accepted. The Koran according to Armstrong also taught that God had created Adam in his own image which is why he ordered the angels to bow down and worship the first man (229). Armstrong’s work however signifies that God is either personal or transcendent. He can â€Å"encourage perpetual immaturity,† or be â€Å"essentially subjective and personal enlightenment† which Armstrong stresses can be a very good thing. She means to relay the message th at a transcendent God, when not planning a revolution, is subject to the manipulations of mankind. He could be a racist or a revolutionary depending on our personal views which has been mirrored after man’s own image to portray a supreme being. For modern religion, she stressed that Christianity is faced with atheism which evolved as a rational choice after the Reformation. She also exposed the limitations that Islam has also struggled in order to reconcile religious views with their economic and political position. Modern Islam seeks to either pattern their behavior from western views which altogether eased their strict sanctions over traditional religious practices like Iran and Turkey. The Jews after seeing the horrors of the century have lost forbearance and instead focused on a political battle over the Israeli state. One thing however continues to become a mundane search for everyone which is to seek the truth throughout the long history of God’s existence. 3. Review of the ideas presented The understanding presented in Armstrong was Christianity, Islam and Judaism’s belief that a one true God and religion would evolve (151). Armstrong presented that any conflict should have been erase as they all share a certain similarity existing along the same line of conflict. Biblical evidence according to Armstrong has suggested that the leader Moses convinced his people El and Yahweh were one and the same (21). For her, the call for a one true God is a call for unity among religion. This unity hopes to recognize the aspiration of others but will seemingly focus on a true worship. Additionally, excessive intellectualism is frowned upon which is damaging to the faith. Armstrong provided that is God is not to become an indulgent endorsement of our own egotism, religious experience must be informed by an accurate assessment of its content (205). She stressed a repeated warning against making God into an endorsement of egotism. The Koran is likewise clear that there is to be no compulsion in religion (155-6). God is love as further endorsed in Armstrong’s work which is positively effective in the history of monotheism which speaks of a God who is on the side of the impotent and the oppressed (20). Further she stressed that God would live in a loving brotherhood, and not in a stone temple (71).   Ã‚  It follows then that each human being is a unique epiphany of the Hidden God, manifesting him in a particular and unrepeatable manner (237). But the human mind has conceived concepts that go beyond reticence requiring considerable skill and mental balance when certain symbols emerged. Armstrong has established the roots of atheism were founded on the discovery of biblical errors. Mark’s gospel, which is the earliest of its kind to dismiss Jesus as a god, presents that Jesus was a perfectly normal man, with a family that included brothers and sisters (80). Although the reliability of Mark’s gospel is in question nevertheless Armstrong also insisted that Paul did not believe that Jesus was God incarnated and perfectly adding that the doctrine of incarnation developed only later (83). Christianity is heavily contradicted with atheism as a rational choice against the stringent doctrines of the Christian religion. 4. Analysis and evaluation of the author’s work History of God is a comparative study of monotheistic religions and their experience of the divine throughout history. Armstrong has capitalized that making God to suit one’s personal needs has been practiced all throughout history. The fame of this book certainly banks on how Armstrong seeks to diminish the faith of those who seek to live in within the doctrines of their faith. God comes out as callous, self-righteous and entirely lacking in the compassion and coherence to be worthy of veneration. The best seller status that Armstrong’s book has gained in England is a clear indication though that the public has a hunger to know the truth which has been hidden or concealed. Her apparent endorsement that persons of the cloth and religion might as well be dead serves to instigate lambaste against a belief that she had abandoned. Her distaste for Christianity is riddled by misleading statements that build up certain theories as an indubitable fact. God in Exodus was presented as an example for the people of Midian whom Moses lived in exile. She refused to present that scholars have discredited this belief and continued to bloat the theory as a fact. Theologians have also debated over the compression of several thousand years of history into over four hundred pages of Armstrong’s book. Everything is fast paced that endorsed the acceptance of non-western culture and frown upon the western culture. 5. Personal reaction and conclusion This book produces disorienting yet eye-catching effects as a reading inspires an uprising in history that proclaims God as a God of revolution. Given this build-up, her discussion over the mystical tradition leaves a void for she has nothing else to say after promoting immanence. While projecting religions, she does emphasize a tolerance for Islam and Judaism while castigating the western tradition of Christianity that she grew up in. These profound averments against â€Å"western† religion has created inattention and laxity on greater issues that passed off unscrutinized leaving the reader in midair like Armstrong’s lack of discussion over Newton’s obsession with the Book of Revelations. In conclusion, Armstrong’s book could have provided a better skill is balance was exercised in handling the three monotheistic religions of Judaism, Islam and Christianity. Her condescending tone reflects how she used the deity into a form that best suits her interest. Although she has exposed the struggles of Islam as it tries to suit to western behavior and the Jewish focus on a political status of Israel, the search for the truth prevails. Further she has reflected that a huge amount of strong adherence against excessive intellectualism is damaging to the faith. Her assessment and endorsement of how atheism evolved during the Reformation period is spun over a rational clamor for truth over the long history of God’s existence.

Adolf Hitler And The Nazi Party History Essay

Adolf Hitler And The Nazi Party History Essay Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party wholeheartedly believed that by applying a selective breeding scheme encouraged by social Darwinism, that the human genome could be greatly improved – similar to applying this notion towards breeding superior strains of dog and cattle as seen today. Although it is may be difficult to comprehend the true nature to why Hitler formulated and articulated the ideas of racial policies, in which is now commonly referred to as Nazi ideology; it is widely acceptable that Hitler and the Nazi’s developed and implemented such doctrines in order to protect what they believed to be ‘the superior race’. However, this foolishness resulted in the ‘final solution’, it justified the genocide of approximately â€Å"11 million European Jews†Ã‚   [ 1 ]   in which the Nazi’s judged as ‘the inferior race’. Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution, coined the survival of the fittest was observed and appli ed to the diversity and complexity of life on earth. However, Hitler crudely manipulated this concept in order to protect and encourage the breeding of the Aryan ‘master race’   [ 2 ]   . The Nazi party â€Å"†¦went further, convincing themselves that, as mankind had become the dominant species through strengthening the features that distinguish humans from lesser beings and handing them down to succeeding generations, so it would be possible to enhance the race by deliberately choosing to breed from men and women whose qualities you wanted to see preserved. The corollary was the suppression, by extermination or enslavement, of people whose undesirable characteristics would pollute the mix†Ã‚   [ 3 ]   . This entailed preventing those perceived as the ‘inferior race’ from assimilating with those believed as superior or Aryan, gifted above all other races – thus effectively reducing the contamination of their gene pool. The notion wa s justified as it was seen to be employing ‘the laws of nature’, as outlined by Hitler in his political autobiography, Mein Kampf or translated to ‘My Struggle’ in which he stated that through the evolution of life, natural selection favoured the breeding of superior organisms and subsequently races. â€Å"No more than Nature desires the mating of weaker with stronger individuals, even less does she desire the blending of a higher with a lower race, since, if she did, her whole work of higher breeding, over perhaps, hundreds of thousands of years, night be ruined with one blow†Ã‚   [ 4 ]   . As such, Hitler who came to power in 1933, by this time he had been undoubtedly convinced that he had found the solution for a better future for the Aryan race as he believed that a person’s characteristics, attitudes, abilities, and behaviour were determined by his or her so-called racial makeup†Ã‚   [ 5 ]   and thus also determined whether or n ot their loyalties lied with Germany. Therefore by intermingling with those believed to be of inferiority; Hitler and the Nazi’s viewed this as the dilution of ideal characteristics and the inconceivable distribution of poisonous genes, with dire consequences to those judged superior. â€Å"à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦he will remain the master as long as he does not fall a victim to defilement of the blood. The result of all racial crossing is therefore in brief always the following: